This time of year our schedule is always so incredibly busy which leads to additional expenses.
To tell you the honest truth my money tree is not producing notes like it used to. In fact, that frikken tree has shrivelled up and died on me. And just when I needed it too! My green fingers have lost their touch (not that I ever had green fingers, I kill every pot plant that is carried through my threshold *shrug* I still don’t understand what I do wrong).
Anyhoo…here is just some of my schedule until the end of the year.
5 October – National Teacher’s Day. The girls’ school is having a braai (aka barbeque) for all the Teachers. The parents, who are NOT invited may I just add, have been added to a list and have to bring something.
9 October – My sister’s birthday. I know what I want to get her but I can't afford it. She’s never been to a spa in her entire life!!! How sad is that?
16 October – Megan’s Bakerman at nursery school. Each child in the class gets a turn to be “backerman” and they have to bring party packs for all the kids in her class (32 children at this stage) and they set up a little shop and all the kids come and buy her goodies. It’s a fund-raising for the school.
16 October - Boss' Day. And I have 6 of them!
21 October - Final School Readiness Test. This normally costs us too, even though she’s been tested already, and has been given the A-OK to start Grade One. Why a 2nd test I ask?
10 November – Graduation Photos and Certificates. This normally includes a set of photos wearing her graduation gown and cap. Can’t skip on this occasion as it only happens once in a life time.
26 November – Megan's Graduation. The actual graduation is normally a huge event with the renting of a venue, a mini concert and prize-giving. Their school wants all the girls to wear white dresses. Firstly, my tomboy girl-child doesn’t "do" dresses. Secondly, why would any mum in their right mind let their 6 year old wear white? Especially my very active little tree-climbing tomboy? Honestly! Very practical indeed and when will she wear this pretty little outfit again?
4 December – 10th Year Anniversary. I have booked a romantic overnight get-away celebration which cost me a small fortune. But I am very excited about this one. I can’t think of what I’m going to buy him as a gift…it’s a special anniversary after all.
9 December – Parents Morning receiving of Final Reports – no money on this one but its on my diary to attend.
14 December – Riaan’s Birthday. I am not sure what he wants, but my Boerewors has expensive taste when it comes to his “gadget" hobbies. Who knows where I’m going to scratch the money out from for this one. My arse already looks like the bloody Japanese flag from all the stuff I’ve been trying to pull out there. Besides, it is just as fucked as my money tree. And then lets not forget its only 75 days until Christmas!!! Oh joy – the dollar signs rapidly scroll up and down in front of my eyes like a blinkin’ one arm bandit. Ding! Ding! Ding! Jackpot…fork out more money, Mummy!!! More I say! *sigh*
I wish I could win the Jackpot so I could cover the costs for all these fun-filled events that I have NOT budgeted for.
I will simply have to dig down deep into that cookie jar to find the cash. Either that, or break my anorexic piggie-bank and hope for the best.
Wish me luck!