Iron Fist Heels.
Wish I could find a stockist in Johannesburg that has the lastest styles.
They are super cool and ultra sexy. I need a pair very soon.
Yesterday I was surfing on YouTube and stumbled on a video from The White Stripes. I immediately fell in love! I mean seriously fell in love with the band's sound and Jack White's genius guitar playing. I haven't felt this excited in ages about a band. The last obsession of mine (musically) was U2 and Bono aka Paul Hewson. I collected all their records on vinyl and still think they are brilliant!
Oh I know, I can hear you saying - what is she on about? Doesn't she know she's a grown woman? She shouldn't be obsessing about music and rock stars at her age. Well, anyone who knows me well, knows I love my music and I am never without my music. Whether its listening to the car CD player, watching a DVD, surfing YouTube, jamming on XBOX guitar hero or listening to my iPod at work - I'm always jamming to something and looking for new bands and sounds to listen to.
I spent the entire day yesterday listening to The White Stripes - Jack and Meg White. They are just genius - what a great band, great sound, great personalities. Do yourself a favour and go listen to some of their stuff. My favourite song so far is Ball and Biscuit.
Jack White
the White Stripes