Complex: Since you graced our Feb/March cover how's the response been?Kim: The response has actually been amazing. I have everyone calling me, I mean, the most random people saying that they've seen me on the cover and it's been great. I'm so glad that I did it. It was my first cover—and I'm doing a lot moreC: So getting right into it, in our Feb/March issue you said that there was no sex tape.K: Well at that point I really didn't think that one was coming out. I heard rumors of things as degrading and disgusting as a golden shower, like absolutely ridiculous things that never even happened in my lifetime, so I didn't think that what everybody was talking about had any truth to it. So I apologize for not publicly being honest, but no one wants to hope that that's the truth and you hope that will never come out so I felt like at the time that's all that I could have said.C: So the video was sold for a lot of money, I think the figure that was circulating was one million dollars. Was that an accurate amount?K: That's what they're saying. I'm in litigation right now, so I can't answer too many questions, but on the website that's what they're saying.C: Now Vivid is distributing it on March 21st?K: Yes. I'm still in litigation, the judge has not ordered the tape to be stopped yet, [Vivid] did that on their own. I met them with my attorneys, but we haven't come up with an agreement so far. So I'm fighting them with the court—now it's gonna be up to the judge, but in the meantime they can do what they want until the judge either accepts or denies my request. So that's what I'm waiting for.C: At any point did you feel like, "you know what, it may be a good idea to release this tape"?K: Never once have I thought that. I have little sisters that hear things at school then come home and ask me questions, and it's humiliating to have to talk to my nine and 10-year-old sisters and explain to them what certain things mean and what certain things I've done and have to talk to my grandmother, my uncle, my whole dad's side of the family. My dad would've been mortified and I'm not happy about it. You know, I thought I was gonna marry this guy; we were in a three-year relationship. I didn't think that our personal business would be for the world to see, and frankly it was so many years ago and there were so many different vacations that we've gone on that were taped that are all being meshed together to this one tape that they made. I don't even remember the things that I say and I do in our personal stuff from years ago. It's humiliating. So no, I would not think twice to – I don't think that this will come out as something positive for me.C: The TV gossip outlets, the blogs, Page Six—is this something you envisioned happening, this crazy media attention?K: Um, not at all. I'm shocked at where people get their information from. Things that are to me disgusting and degrading – things that I have never done in my life – and yet it's all over the place saying that this happens [on the tape]. Never even done it in my life. That's why I thought it wasn't true for so long, until I saw a clip. But I can see how people go crazy—I'm on a completely tiny scale, and it bothers me when people get their information wrong, so I can only imagine how other people would feel. Britney Spears and stuff that really deal with it on a completely different, bigger level. C: Well, you obviously knew that it existed because, I mean, Ray J was filming it. But is it that you never thought it would surface?K: I mean of course I knew that we had one tape, but it was a few different times throughout the few years in our relationship. I obviously knew that that existed, I just never thought that it would happen. He made a comment about a sex tape on my Myspace page months ago—he was kidding, but people took it the wrong way and I think people were looking for it.C: Now, I mean the thing was shot like a movie, is that something that if he and you were gonna do it –K: We were, I mean, in the tape you can clearly see that we were kidding around like, "we're making a movie, wait, wait, I need to do my make-up." He did the lighting, he's like bringing lamps over. We're totally kidding around. He sets it up and we're messing around and then, um, we would laugh so hard because – from what I remember – some of it was good and some of its bad. He was totally messing around.C: We're just all surprised at how – I mean, did this dude have cinematography experience?K: He wants to be a director first of all, so we would joke around about that, like, "this is gonna be your debut movie." That's his passion and that's what he loves to do. That's another rumor: people were like, "oh, it was shot by a cameraman." I'm like, "well, whoever's putting this up, they're choosing the right clips."C: So what's the status of you and Ray J since it leaked? Is it different, are you mad?K: I'm not happy that it's out; I haven't spoken to him. Before this, we'd remained friends, but I'm not really supposed to speak on that part. You know, I was in a two-year relationship with the guy. He's a good person.C: What do you think his motivation was behind it to push it out like this?K: I really can't talk on that because there's no evidence that he's behind it. Just between you and me, I can't say or do anything that I can possibly get sued for by anybody else. You know?C: Are you happy with how you look in it?K: I saw one clip of something when it came out, the trailer. Um, people always look at themselves differently. The whole thing is not funny to me. I wouldn't want anyone to see that besides the people I choose to be intimate with, so I don't look at it like that.C: You were linked to Nick Cannon around the time our issue came out. Did that kind of cool down? What's the status of your relationship with him?K: We were never really…we were always friends. He was someone who I enjoyed spending my time with, but we were never really a couple. And I think it fizzled out way before that even happened. C: So the tape really didn't have anything to do with it, or did he kind of get turned off by it, or –K: No, we weren't together. We never in a relationship like that. [The tape] has nothing to do with it. C: Are you seeing anyone now or…K: No, I really am happy being single and I feel really good about it. I'm not really into looking for a relationship right now and I just kind of want to be by myself in every aspect. Even if you have friends, you know, people assume completely different things: I just got back from a business trip with people, and if someone takes a picture they automatically think you're dating people and it's just so wrong. So I am really into being by myself.C:. Did the tape have anything to do with, "I need to be single now" or –K: Um, a little bit just because I feel like people would, especially when they see you acting a certain way with someone, they might assume you're gonna be that way. You know, I can act however I want to act. If I have a boyfriend and in the privacy—you know what? I learned my lesson. I won't again, never again. But at that time and at the age I was at, everyone makes mistakes. You just don't know what peoples intentions are now and that's what sucks. Guys see a video of you and, you know, they might assume that you're that way with everyone when I'm not. C: Now, the golden shower thing you kept alluding to—it was rumored that you OKed it, like, "you can put the tape out as long as that scene is cut." K: Absolutely ridiculous. I would love to hear who these people spoke to. I was getting all these emails from all these different companies and I just sent them all to my attorney I have not spoken to a soul about this. That's absolutely not true. C: Well in the end, I mean, you're breaking necks in the issue so that's a plus.K: (laughs) Yeah, cause I'm a good liar. Kim Kardashian - Complex Magazine Pictures source: Complex