Aw-rite lads 'n lassies... I think my Flash Fiction Friday may be coming to an end. Sometimes its easy to think of something to write about and sometimes I battle finding the inspiration. I feel my 55FFF are not really on the same level as everyone else's and feel a wee bit embarrassed about them.
But keep on heading on over to G-Man and hook up with him to join the bunch of REAL writers. Here's possibly the last one I do:
Chandelier droplets pierce the sky,
like pendants of cut glass.
I turn my face
towards the heavens
and fresh rain soaks my face
washing my salty tears way.
Bathed and cleansed anew.
It's time to follow
the multi-coloured rainbow.
I dare say,
a make-up stained face and
puffy blood-shot eyes
does NOT become me.
Sign up for Fawk You Friday at Boobies.
My Fuck You's for the week:
- Fuck you to the Bitch colleague who thought she could back-stab me without a fight. She's in for a big surprise because when you piss on my battery the claws come out and I don't back down. Be afraid! Be very afraid, Crack Ass Whore!
- Insomnia fucking sucks donkey balls and I have no reason to not fall into a long blissful slumber. Even the fucking Betasleep didn't work!
- Lists. I'm tired of writing things down on pretty pink post-its because these days I have to (the mind ain't quite what it used to be) but then I keep loosing my fucking stoopid lists. What's the point?
- The Bag 'O Shite pencil-neck eejit that stood behind me in the queue at the local supermarket. If he got any closer in some small countries, we'd have to get married and I could actually smell what he had for breakfast. Onions? Pickles? You fucking freak me out!
- The fucknut postman who's been Cummin' the Cunt and puts our newspaper between the slats of our pallisade electric fence. Who the fuck knows how to get a newspaper outta there without shocking the living crap out of yerself everytime?
Go FlogYoBlog Friday at Random Ramblings of a SAHM.
Blog Stalk Friday is hosted by Crazy Brunette ChickGo and say hi to The Princess of Class, Trash and Sass. Follow her rules or she'll go apeshite on yer wart-ridden arse!Okay enough. Have a BRILLIANT weekend!Its a long weekend here in good ol' South Africa.They call it Heritage Day.Now Piss Off and go write a 55