The girls had Father Christmas come to their pre-school yesterday and bring them gifts and spend the afternoon with him. I felt sorry for Santa in his red and white furry suit in 30 degree sunshine while the children enjoyed jumping castles and water slip 'n slides. Poor Santa must've been wishing he brough his red furry speedo and waterproof beard instead so that he could enjoy the water fun with the children. Poor bugger. That'll teach him to have a fasion disaster that isn't internationally accepted!
Megan said : It wasn't the real Father Christmas, Mummy. It was one of his helpers.
Me : How did you know that Megan?
Megan: Because he looks just like Reece's Grampa.
Me smiling: Oh and how else did you know he was just a helper and not the real Santa?
Megan: His beard wasn't real and he didn't have his reindeer with him.
I chuckled.
When I asked her what Father Christmas said to her ...
Megan : He said Hello Young Lady and I sat on his lap. He said I was beautiful. I said I know I'm beautiful! (my daughter is not modest).
Everyone had fun and Megan got a Pink Princess MP3 player which she was not happy about because she wanted what the boys got - Bakugans (even though she has about 10 of them at home!) I told her she should be thankful that Santa brought her a gift and that some children get nothing. I told her not to be ungrateful otherwise she'll get a bag of poo for Christmas. I guess that turned her frown into a smile.
Kaylin got a Wedding Barbie with clothes, high heel plastic shoes for herslef, a princess wand, a crown, earings and she was very happy. She even wore the crown and earings for a while (not for long).
Even Riaan got Santa coming to his work. A client brough him a bottle of Johnnie Walker 15 year Green Label which will be consumed at his work Christmas function today, which is going to be at our house.
So preparations are underway for that party. Jacuzzi is being cranked and heated, the bar is stocked, the spit braai is sizzling away and I need to go shopping for salads, snacks and final touches.
Princess Kaylin with her Crown
Take care...I'm watching you....